Weight Loss Centre in Simcoe

Let us Guide you on your Weight Loss Journey

Work to Lose Weight

Work towards your health and fitness goals with Final Touch’s weight loss centre services. Our exclusively ladies fitness facility offers a number of fitness classes to keep you moving throughout the week.

We also have access to personal trainers who can keep you accountable to your weight loss goals even when you’re not in our building.

Check out how our past and current clients have progressed with the help of our dedicated weight loss centre staff and processes!

OMG on the scale

Client Testimonials

Before and after weight loss

“Thank you Final Touch Exclusively Ladies Fitness for being with me on this journey for the past 2 years. Down 86 pounds, I had pretty high goals set and sometimes I still stumble but to get under that 200 lbs this week was pretty awesome.

I’ve had a huge support system with family and friends. They love me whether I’m the first picture or the second. I still have my double hernia or ‘aliens’ as we like to call them in my house, lol. Eventually I’ll get them fixed, but it’s not on my rush list.”

“Heather and her staff are extremely motivating. The practical weight loss and fitness goals make me feel that I can and will achieve my goals. I’m thrilled with their hands-on approach and knowledge. The interaction with members is so genuine! Heathers encouragement is contagious!

This family owned business has every element needed to achieve health and wellness for all ages, sizes and fitness levels. Outstanding cleanliness. Excellent variety of equipment and classes. Lots of space to breath! Thank you for being such amazing boosters.”

Join Final Touch's Weight Loss Centre

Contact us or stop by 10 Park Road in Simcoe, Ontario to discuss your weight loss goals. We are ready to help you sweat it out, work it out, and lose that stubborn weight at a pace that works for you!

    More Kind Words About our Weight Loss Centre

    I wish to give my sincere thanks to Heather and the marvellous staff at Final Touch Fitness Weight Loss Centre.

    Due to their dedication, I have been able to lose 40 lbs. At age 65 I feel the best I have since I was in my 20’s.

    My daughter got married recently and there were endless comments from people I hadn’t seen in many years, telling me how wonderful I looked.

    The meal plan is very easy to follow and I couldn’t believe how much food you are allowed to eat. You’re never hungry. The fitness classes are fun and varied, you go at your own pace.

    I truly could not have done it without Final Touch.

    I recommend Final Touch’s Weight Loss Centre to all of my friends and encourage you to give it a try!

    Annette M.

    Weight loss is on my vision board and has been an unachievable goal for me for a long time. I came from an abusive situation where I lost my self confidence, and my self love. You have helped me find some of that. You’re always there, just a text away with advice, encouragement,  a little push or a little joke. You have cheered on all my small accomplishments through this journey and helped me reach my first goal!

    You made me want to stay and achieve. I didn’t want to disappoint myself, but I also didn’t want to disappoint you!

    Thank you for all you have done so far, how ever small it may seem to you. This is HUGE for me and I am going to keep going until I get to 4 bags of potatoes, or maybe 5! However many bags it takes for me to feel satisfied. I just thought you’d like to hear what a difference you have made, not only in my life but also in the lives of so many women like me. You’re an inspiration Heather, never stop doing what you’re doing!
